Do what makes you happy, Be with who makes you smile, Laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live, and SHRED as much as you can!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

On the way back home from my awsm trip to Scandi! :)

Heyeaaaah! Spent last 3 weeks on my sick trip by car around Scandinavia, strait after Finland, had lots of fun on the way!  (Stockholm, Sweden- Oslo, Norway- Trysil, Norway - Klappen, Malung, Sweden- Oslo, Norway – Sthlm, Sweden- on the way to  Finland  and back to Russia, on the board ferryboat Viking line now)
Had awesome time hanging out with friends, been really glad to see them again and shredding together. The funny think that I went to Norwegian and Swedish national championships, but missed Russian one  this year. Whatever, had really good time then! 
Walking with ma babe Elin around Oslo, having fun! 

Trysil, Norway -Norwegian Champs is going on...
Silje Norendal killin it!
Chillin with Mats Hofgaard :)
and Nicolay Larsen! Enjoy!
Klappen , Sweden 
Fun fun fun with Johanna Holmstedt
last days in Oslo, chillin on the sun with Mats Horgaard and Mikkel Bentzon
Went for a fun shredding with Emilie Evensen at her homeresort not far from Oslo, Varingskollen

It was so much fun trip, and i'm on my way back at home, pretty long way back by car but ALT BRA!  Happy to go home, to see my homies and spend some time with my family, before i leave for my next trip on next week to DC.Kirovsk.Lab. Gonna be Fun! Yeaaah!